2014-05-28 17:42:45
Φωτογραφία για Δείτε τα sites που μας υπόσχονται το Jailbreak του ios αλλά και το ξεκλείδωμα της συσκευής
Είναι γνωστό εδώ και χρόνια με την κυκλοφορία του iphone από το 2008 που βγήκε το πρώτο εργαλείο του jailbreak πως εκτοξεύονται οι δυνατότητες του από τις χάρες που εσκεμμένα θέλει να κρατά κρυφές η Apple Ειδικά όσοι είχαν ποτέ jailbreak μπορούν να το καταλάβουν από εκείνους που δεν γνωρίζουν ούτε τον Cydia.

Αυτό όμως το εκμεταλλεύονται πολλοί όχι πάντα για καλό σκοπό ειδικά σε εποχές όπου δεν υπάρχει νεότερο εργαλείο για το jailbreak όπου ξεφυτρώνουν σελίδες στο διαδίκτυο που υπόσχονται το jailbreak σε οποιαδήποτε έκδοση αλλά και άλλες λειτουργίες όπως το ξεκλείδωμα της συσκευής ακόμη και με χρηματικό αντάλλαγμα ενώ γνωρίζουμε πως αυτά τα εργαλεία ήταν και θα είναι πάντα δωρεάν σε όλους.

Έτσι ξεχωρίσαμε μερικές σελίδες που υπόσχονται όλα αυτά τα ονειρεμένα εργαλεία και σας τις προβάλω.

Οι πληροφορίες είναι είναι από το site "theiphonewiki" και συμβουλή μου είναι μείνετε μακριά από όλες αυτές τις σελίδες.

Jailbreak προϊόντα απομίμησηςDomain Notes 7evasi0n.com fake 7jailbreak.com On-device survey scam 71jailbreak.com Fake. Known to spam on Twitter alphajailbreak.com Survey scam alpinejb.blogspot.com Fake celtikios7.com Survey scam cyberelevat0r.net Fake downgradeios7.com Fake on-device downgrade tool downgradeiphone.com Sells a false promise (universal iOS/baseband downgrade) for $29 ecydia.com Sells an unspecified tool for $24.99 equsi0n.com Survey scam evad3rs.me No survey, not selling anything, just has downloads of evasi0n 1.0.7, calling it 1.0.8 and saying it works on iOS 7.1.x. Pointless. evad3rsdevteam.com Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evad3rs-devteam.com Copy of evasi0n.com evad3rsjb.com Fake evad3rsteam.com Survey scam evasi0nblog.com Repackaged evasi0n evasi0ndevteam.com Sells evasi0n for $15 evasi0njb.net Copy of evasi0n.com evasion-jailbreak.com Survey scam evasion-jailbreak7.com Survey scam evasi0n-jailbreak.net Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evasion7.com Fake evasionjailbreak.net Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evasionjailbreak.us Copy of evasi0n.com evasionjailbreak7.com Survey scam evasi0n-official.com Survey scam, loosely copied from evasi0n.com evasl0n.blogspot.com Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evasion7download.info Copy of evasi0n.com evasion7download.info/geeksn0w Copy of Geeksn0w.it evasion7-jailbreak.com Fake evazi0n.net Fake ex0dus-jailbreak.com Unspecified tool, claims to be developed by @planetbeing and @pimskeks. Survey scam after being strung along downloading a fake tool which requires a patch, said patch download requiring survey completion. factory-directme.com Sells redsn0w for $14.95 firest0rm.net Survey scam freed0md00r.com Survey scam future7ios7.com Survey scam geeksn0w.net Copy of geeksn0w.it geeksn0wdownload.com Copy of Geeksn0w.it getthebest365.com Sells unspecified tool for $27.00 icysn0w.com Survey scam ievad3rs.com Survey scam ijailbreak-iphone.com Sells an unspecified tool for $19.95 ijailbreakpro.com Sells an unspecified tool for $29.90, $39.90 and $49.90 ijailbreaktool.com Sells an unspecified tool for $24.99 imessagewin.com Claims to have iMessage for Windows platform. Survey scam. ineedjailbreak.com Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $24.95 inj3ct3d.klikkit.co.uk asking for donations to publish a non-existent jailbreak instajailbreaker.com Sells unspecified tool(s) for $29.95 ios-6-1-4-jailbreak.com Survey scam ipadjailbreak3.com Forwards to jailbreakunlock.org iphone5break.com Sells unspecified tool for $49.99 iphonejailbreakplus.com Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $29.95 iphonejailbreak-unlock.com Sells unspecified tool for $27.00 jailbreak-7.com Appstore app dowmload+play time required, artificially inflating it's popularity jailbreak-absinthe.com Survey scam jailbreak-ios-7.com Tells people to go to thejailbreakshop.com jailbreak-my-ipad.org Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $29.95 per month jailbreak-team.com Sells an unspecified tool for $29.99 jailbreak71.com Fake jailbreak7wizz.com Links to jailbreakthings.com, which in turn links to instajailbreaker.com, which sells unspecified tools for $29.95 jailbreakandunlock1.pressdoc.com Blog that is about jailbreak and unlock which uses fake tools. jailbreakbj.com Survey scam jailbreakios7untethered.com Survey scam, all set up in advance for iOS 7 jailbreakiosnewversion.elitegamershub.com Survey scam, copied/modified verion of evasi0n7 jailbreakiphone5s.com Tells people to go to thejailbreakshop.com jailbreakmenow.net Sells unspecified tools for $19.95, $29.95, and $39.95 jailbreaknewiphone.com Survey scam after being strung along downloading a fake tool jailbreakthings.com Exists solely to promote instajailbreaker.com, a scam site jailbreakunlock.info Sells unspecified tools for $19.95, $29.95, and $39.95 jailbreakunlock.org Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $14.95 latestiphoneunlock.com Sells an unspecified tool for $9.95 or $29.95 newios7jailbreak.com Directs visitors to unlock-jailbreak.net opensn0w.net Survey scam overcast7.com Survey scam pod2gblog.blogspot.com Copy of pod2g's blog p0sixspwn.co Windows version is a malware downloader that eventually downloads the real p0sixspwn posixspwndownload.com Copy of p0sixspwn purpletools.wordpress.com and all the other sites/people offering similar stuff Scam - It sells PurpleRestore and other internal tools at high price promising they'll allow to downgrade any device/firmware and to install any firmware on any device (e.g. iOS 6.1.3 on iPhone 3G). redpois0n.net Survey scam redsn0w-r9-new.blogspot.com Survey scam, text is ripped from Dev-Team Blog rocky-racoon.com Survey scam, copy of Dev-Team Blog safera1n.com Sells an unspecified tool for $24.99 silv3rwind.com Sells an unspecified tool for $20 semirestore.org Fakes and redistributes of SemiRestore and SemiRestore7 spirit-jb.com Survey scam spiritjb.net Survey scam synergyjailbreak.com Survey scam team7jailbreak.com On-device survey scam (redirects to 7jailbreak.com). Known to spam on Twitter theios7jailbreaker.com Directs people to scam sites (ijailbreakpro.com, appleunlocker.com, ijailbreaktool.com) thejailbreakshop.com Sells an unspecified tool for $29.97 and $49.97 u7xjailbreak.com Survey scam unja1l.com Survey scam Scam jailbreak και unlock sites Domain Notes appleunlocker.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $19.95 cheapestiphoneunlock.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $9.99 deblocage-iphone-fr.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for €29.99 desbloquear-iphone-pro.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for €29.99 e-imeiunlock.com Survey scam easyiphoneunlocking.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.95 easyunlockiphone.net Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 easyunlockingsolutions.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $19.99 how-jailbreak-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $19.95 ijailbreakpro.com Sells redsn0w for $29.90, $39.90, or $49.90 ijailbreaktool.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking software for $24.99 ios7jailbreaker.net Survey scam ios7jailbreak.fr Survey scam iphone5break.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $49.99 iphone-instant-unlock.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $14.95 iphone-unlock-pro.com Redirects to unlock4iphone.com, desbloquear-iphone-pro.com, and deblocage-iphone-fr.com iphone-unlocker-pro.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.95 iphone-unlock-me.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $14.95 iphone-unlockme.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $14.95 iphoneunlocker.org.uk Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for £14.99 iphoneunlockersoftware.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.97 iphoneunlockplus.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $22.99 iphoneunlockwiz.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $29.97 jailbreakandunlockiphones.com Glowing reviews of, and links to, scam sites which are mostly offline now jailbreakiphone5express.com Links to ijailbreakpro.com, appleunlocker.com and ijailbreaktool.com jailbreakmenow.net Sells unspecified tools for $19.95, $29.95, and $39.95 myappledownload.com Sells undefined non-existing jailbreaks, unlocks, downgrades for $19.99 mydowngrade.com Sells undefined non-existing jailbreaks, unlocks, downgrades for $19.99 myunlocker.org On-device survey / app download scam phoneunlockguy.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $14.95 solutions-directme.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking software for $14.95 superiorsim.com Sells SIM interposers, reported to be a scam by various websites superunlockiphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for £14.99 tracyandmatt.co.uk Refers victims to unlock-jailbreak.net transx-solutions.com Sells software for $14.95 which does not say what it is. Also requires a download trusted-iphone-unlocker.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.95 ultimateiphoneunlocker.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $19.95 unlock-your-phones.com Sells evasi0n as an unlock for €8.99 unlock-apple-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $29.99 unlock-ijailbreak.net Added a letter to the URL, otherwise it's the same site as unlock-jailbreak.net unlock-jailbreak.net Sells unspecified unlocking software for $24.99 unlock-jailbreak-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 unlock-the-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $29.95, $37.95, or $49 unlock4iphone.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $29.99 unlockimeiiphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking tool for $19.95 unlockiphone.org Sells unspecified unlocking software for $24.95 unlockiphone.net Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking tool unlockiphoneios5.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $14.95 unlockiphonenow.org Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 unlockiphonepro.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 unlockjailbreaktool.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 ultrasn0wtool.com Claims to unlock via a GUI app ziphone.org Directs visitors to easyiphoneunlocking.com Domain Notes 7evasi0n.com fake 7jailbreak.com On-device survey scam 71jailbreak.com Fake. Known to spam on Twitter alphajailbreak.com Survey scam alpinejb.blogspot.com Fake celtikios7.com Survey scam cyberelevat0r.net Fake downgradeios7.com Fake on-device downgrade tool downgradeiphone.com Sells a false promise (universal iOS/baseband downgrade) for $29 ecydia.com Sells an unspecified tool for $24.99 equsi0n.com Survey scam evad3rs.me No survey, not selling anything, just has downloads of evasi0n 1.0.7, calling it 1.0.8 and saying it works on iOS 7.1.x. Pointless. evad3rsdevteam.com Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evad3rs-devteam.com Copy of evasi0n.com evad3rsjb.com Fake evad3rsteam.com Survey scam evasi0nblog.com Repackaged evasi0n evasi0ndevteam.com Sells evasi0n for $15 evasi0njb.net Copy of evasi0n.com evasion-jailbreak.com Survey scam evasion-jailbreak7.com Survey scam evasi0n-jailbreak.net Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evasion7.com Fake evasionjailbreak.net Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evasionjailbreak.us Copy of evasi0n.com evasionjailbreak7.com Survey scam evasi0n-official.com Survey scam, loosely copied from evasi0n.com evasl0n.blogspot.com Survey scam, copy of evasi0n.com evasion7download.info Copy of evasi0n.com evasion7download.info/geeksn0w Copy of Geeksn0w.it evasion7-jailbreak.com Fake evazi0n.net Fake ex0dus-jailbreak.com Unspecified tool, claims to be developed by @planetbeing and @pimskeks. Survey scam after being strung along downloading a fake tool which requires a patch, said patch download requiring survey completion. factory-directme.com Sells redsn0w for $14.95 firest0rm.net Survey scam freed0md00r.com Survey scam future7ios7.com Survey scam geeksn0w.net Copy of geeksn0w.it geeksn0wdownload.com Copy of Geeksn0w.it getthebest365.com Sells unspecified tool for $27.00 icysn0w.com Survey scam ievad3rs.com Survey scam ijailbreak-iphone.com Sells an unspecified tool for $19.95 ijailbreakpro.com Sells an unspecified tool for $29.90, $39.90 and $49.90 ijailbreaktool.com Sells an unspecified tool for $24.99 imessagewin.com Claims to have iMessage for Windows platform. Survey scam. ineedjailbreak.com Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $24.95 inj3ct3d.klikkit.co.uk asking for donations to publish a non-existent jailbreak instajailbreaker.com Sells unspecified tool(s) for $29.95 ios-6-1-4-jailbreak.com Survey scam ipadjailbreak3.com Forwards to jailbreakunlock.org iphone5break.com Sells unspecified tool for $49.99 iphonejailbreakplus.com Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $29.95 iphonejailbreak-unlock.com Sells unspecified tool for $27.00 jailbreak-7.com Appstore app dowmload+play time required, artificially inflating it's popularity jailbreak-absinthe.com Survey scam jailbreak-ios-7.com Tells people to go to thejailbreakshop.com jailbreak-my-ipad.org Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $29.95 per month jailbreak-team.com Sells an unspecified tool for $29.99 jailbreak71.com Fake jailbreak7wizz.com Links to jailbreakthings.com, which in turn links to instajailbreaker.com, which sells unspecified tools for $29.95 jailbreakandunlock1.pressdoc.com Blog that is about jailbreak and unlock which uses fake tools. jailbreakbj.com Survey scam jailbreakios7untethered.com Survey scam, all set up in advance for iOS 7 jailbreakiosnewversion.elitegamershub.com Survey scam, copied/modified verion of evasi0n7 jailbreakiphone5s.com Tells people to go to thejailbreakshop.com jailbreakmenow.net Sells unspecified tools for $19.95, $29.95, and $39.95 jailbreaknewiphone.com Survey scam after being strung along downloading a fake tool jailbreakthings.com Exists solely to promote instajailbreaker.com, a scam site jailbreakunlock.info Sells unspecified tools for $19.95, $29.95, and $39.95 jailbreakunlock.org Sells evasi0n / redsn0w for $14.95 latestiphoneunlock.com Sells an unspecified tool for $9.95 or $29.95 newios7jailbreak.com Directs visitors to unlock-jailbreak.net opensn0w.net Survey scam overcast7.com Survey scam pod2gblog.blogspot.com Copy of pod2g's blog p0sixspwn.co Windows version is a malware downloader that eventually downloads the real p0sixspwn posixspwndownload.com Copy of p0sixspwn purpletools.wordpress.com and all the other sites/people offering similar stuff Scam - It sells PurpleRestore and other internal tools at high price promising they'll allow to downgrade any device/firmware and to install any firmware on any device (e.g. iOS 6.1.3 on iPhone 3G). redpois0n.net Survey scam redsn0w-r9-new.blogspot.com Survey scam, text is ripped from Dev-Team Blog rocky-racoon.com Survey scam, copy of Dev-Team Blog safera1n.com Sells an unspecified tool for $24.99 silv3rwind.com Sells an unspecified tool for $20 semirestore.org Fakes and redistributes of SemiRestore and SemiRestore7 spirit-jb.com Survey scam spiritjb.net Survey scam synergyjailbreak.com Survey scam team7jailbreak.com On-device survey scam (redirects to 7jailbreak.com). Known to spam on Twitter theios7jailbreaker.com Directs people to scam sites (ijailbreakpro.com, appleunlocker.com, ijailbreaktool.com) thejailbreakshop.com Sells an unspecified tool for $29.97 and $49.97 u7xjailbreak.com Survey scam unja1l.com Survey scam Scam jailbreak and unlock sites Domain Notes appleunlocker.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $19.95 cheapestiphoneunlock.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $9.99 deblocage-iphone-fr.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for €29.99 desbloquear-iphone-pro.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for €29.99 e-imeiunlock.com Survey scam easyiphoneunlocking.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.95 easyunlockiphone.net Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 easyunlockingsolutions.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $19.99 how-jailbreak-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $19.95 ijailbreakpro.com Sells redsn0w for $29.90, $39.90, or $49.90 ijailbreaktool.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking software for $24.99 ios7jailbreaker.net Survey scam ios7jailbreak.fr Survey scam iphone5break.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $49.99 iphone-instant-unlock.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $14.95 iphone-unlock-pro.com Redirects to unlock4iphone.com, desbloquear-iphone-pro.com, and deblocage-iphone-fr.com iphone-unlocker-pro.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.95 iphone-unlock-me.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $14.95 iphone-unlockme.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $14.95 iphoneunlocker.org.uk Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for £14.99 iphoneunlockersoftware.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.97 iphoneunlockplus.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $22.99 iphoneunlockwiz.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $29.97 jailbreakandunlockiphones.com Glowing reviews of, and links to, scam sites which are mostly offline now jailbreakiphone5express.com Links to ijailbreakpro.com, appleunlocker.com and ijailbreaktool.com jailbreakmenow.net Sells unspecified tools for $19.95, $29.95, and $39.95 myappledownload.com Sells undefined non-existing jailbreaks, unlocks, downgrades for $19.99 mydowngrade.com Sells undefined non-existing jailbreaks, unlocks, downgrades for $19.99 myunlocker.org On-device survey / app download scam phoneunlockguy.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $14.95 solutions-directme.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking software for $14.95 superiorsim.com Sells SIM interposers, reported to be a scam by various websites superunlockiphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for £14.99 tracyandmatt.co.uk Refers victims to unlock-jailbreak.net transx-solutions.com Sells software for $14.95 which does not say what it is. Also requires a download trusted-iphone-unlocker.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.95 ultimateiphoneunlocker.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $19.95 unlock-your-phones.com Sells evasi0n as an unlock for €8.99 unlock-apple-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $29.99 unlock-ijailbreak.net Added a letter to the URL, otherwise it's the same site as unlock-jailbreak.net unlock-jailbreak.net Sells unspecified unlocking software for $24.99 unlock-jailbreak-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 unlock-the-iphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $29.95, $37.95, or $49 unlock4iphone.com Sells unspecified unlocking software for $29.99 unlockimeiiphone.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking tool for $19.95 unlockiphone.org Sells unspecified unlocking software for $24.95 unlockiphone.net Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking tool unlockiphoneios5.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $14.95 unlockiphonenow.org Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 unlockiphonepro.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 unlockjailbreaktool.com Sells unspecified jailbreaking + unlocking software for $24.99 ultrasn0wtool.com Claims to unlock via a GUI app ziphone.org Directs visitors to easyiphoneunlocking.com